Monday, December 20, 2010

Ginger Bread Houses

A Taylor Christmas tradition is to decorate Ginger Bread houses.
It makes for a lovely evening of fun and a lot of laughter.
The challenge of building these houses is getting our walls to stay together. There is lots of laughter as our roofs slide and walls fall. With four hands working together we somehow manage to hold the houses together as the icing dries. 
Then it is time for the decorating fun.
The evening always starts with the guys and girls decorating.
But this year cards seemed like a better option for the guys.
I don't know if more candy ended up on the houses or in our tummies.
 As this house came together we all just cracked up, not my best craft but surely a great time.
Everyone named this house the Casa Chiquta, lots of bananas!
 This is Casa Bonita.
Rachel and Sherri, the gingerbread house builders.
Have a very Merry Christmas!

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